Pride Passover Resources

We hope these resources will help you personally connect to Passover traditions and inspire you to create an inclusive Passover Seder. The Exodus story can resonate with each of us, either through traditional or new rituals. 

We are all enriched by our diverse Jewish community.

SAVE THE DATE for an in-person Mosaic Pride Passover experiential program next year on March 27, 2022 in the late afternoon.

Fab Sameach: Let’s have a pride-full seder!

These videos include interviews with local LGBTQ+ Jews about their personal connections to Passover. Thank you to all of the interviewees and to Neco Turkienicz for volunteering his time to film and edit these interviews!

To watch the full interviews please click HERE.


All Transcripts

These two resources include excerpts from our interviews and were designed by Rebecca Schwarz:

Beyond the Haggadah supplement
Pride Seder Symbols


5 Ways to Queer Your Passover Seder

Four Children and LGBTQ Inclusion

Gay Seder Haggadah

Keshet LGBTQ Passover Resources

Modern Additions to the Seder Plate

orange symbolism

Religious Action Center LGBTQ Passover Resources

Traditional Seder Plate Symbols

Welcome to the Seder: A Passover Haggadah for Everyone


Click here to let us know how you use these resources and your ideas for creating an inclusive seder.

We hope these videos and resources enrich your Passover experiences.
Mosaic Pride Passover committee
Joel Davidson, Corey Friedlander, Rachel Klein, Abby Reiken, Rebecca Schwarz, Ana Turkienicz, Neco Turkienicz