Pleasantville Community Synagogue is proud and honored to present:
An evening discussion with the author of “The Jewish Catalog” and “Judaism Disrupted,”
Rabbi Michael Strassfeld
Wednesday, June 21, 7:30 pm.
Via Zoom only.
Please click here to attend.
Meeting ID: 859 7384 0997
Passcode: 034884
One tap mobile +16469313860,,85973840997#,,,,*034884# US
+16465588656,,85973840997#,,,,*034884# US (New York)
There are several copies of “Judaism Disrupted” available for purchase at the Pleasantville Community Synagogue.
Please contact Marcy Gray, 914-769-2672, if you’d like one.
Or it can be purchased online.
If you have any questions, please email Rabbi Ben Newman,