Who Knows One? is a hilarious show that has become a cultural hit in the Jewish community over the course of the pandemic, reuniting old friends and creating new ones with an innovative game that combines Six Degrees of Separation and Jewish Geography. Now the creator of Who Knows One? is bringing the experience to Kol Ami with a new live, interactive version of the show! Come see how we’re all connected to each other and share a few laughs along the way – and maybe even be a part of the show yourself!
Join us for our Kabbalat Shabbat service starting at 6:15pm in our Main Sanctuary. All our welcome. Dinner provided by Melt Sandwich will follow at 7:15pm. Gourmet grilled cheese, hot tomato soup, latkes and more! Then proceed back to the Main Sanctuary for the show starting at 8:00pm.
To RSVP, go to: https://nykolami.shulcloud.com/event/synaplex-dinner-and-program1.html
All are welcome to join!!