The Jewish Studies Program at Purchase College, SUNY presents a book talk with Prof. Jeffrey Gurock on his Book Parkchester.
In the 1940s, a new community, Parkchester, was opened in East Bronx, NY. It would be a model neighborhood celebrated as “a city within a city”, boasting the comforts of suburbia without the hassles of commuting. This neighborhood brought together Jews, Irish and Italians in an attractive setting, however the owners excluded minorities. Professor Gurock will examine the implications of all this and how the Jewish residents’ community was formed.
Professor Jeffrey Gurock is the Libby M. Klaperman Professor of Jewish history at Yeshiva University. He is the author/editor of twenty-one books and over 100 scholarly articles and reviews. A leader among American Jewish historians, he served for 20 years as an editor of American Jewish History, the leading journal in the field and was twice the chair of the Academic Council of the American Jewish Historical Society. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy for Jewish Research and the New York Academy of History.
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