Purchase College – Belonging and Betrayal: How Jews Made the Art World Modern


March 29, 2023    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Purchase College SUNY
735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York, 10577, Westchester

Event Type

Prof. Charles Dellheim, Professor of History at Boston University,  joins the Jewish Studies Program at Purchase College, SUNY for a lecture on his book, Belonging and Betrayal: How Jews Made the Art World Modern. 

Professor Dellheim investigates how a small number of Jews involved in the 20th century European art world exerted enormous influence on high culture, despite the fact they were outsiders on the margins of society. They became the “Old Masters’ new masters and the modernists’ champions.”

For more information and to register, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/BelongingandBetrayal